Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Another visit to the doctor

This is our third visit to the doctors in the last three weeks. The girls have never been this sick for this long. First, they both had the flu for almost a week. Then they both started coughing with runny noses a few days ago. This morning they both woke up with pink eye! When it rains it pours. On top of having to go to the doctor, each visit has been at least 1 1/2 hours...bogus!

I took them into the doctors this morning to get drops for the pink eye and at the same time I was told to put them on breathing treatments until their wheezing has stopped. Oh, boy! Both girls have been so sweet despite being so sick.

So, when a child is coughing at our doctors office they ask that your child wear a mask...yeah right! I took the mask from the front desk and since it was only us in there, at the time, I didn't put it on Grace or Leah. After a few minutes Grace asked if she could wear it. She immediately started coughing (fake coughs) into the mask. It was so funny. In the picture you can see her gunky eye and that she is giving me a huge grin.

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