Saturday, May 22, 2010

Strength and Courage

Grace with her beautiful Auntie Becky

I am overcome with emotions at how strong someone can be when faced with the uncertainty of what lies ahead. My little sister, Rebecah, is 24 years old, and was recently diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. The good thing is that this type of cancer has a 90% cure rate. She will beat this. It still hasn't set in that my sister has cancer. I have found myself asking the question, "God, why Becky?" I'm sad that, at her age, she has to battle this disease. She will start chemotherapy in about 2 weeks and it will be a 6 month process. She will eventually loose her hair, will be sick most of the time and yet she is so positive every time I talk to her. How is she doing it? She is surrounded by people praying for her on a daily basis, and she can feel it! Becky has a Caring Bridge website where she updates her page often. Please keep my little sister in your prayers.
I love you Becks!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

35 Weeks and counting

To say this pregnancy has been different than the first is an understatement. I'm not sure if it is because I really haven't had time to stop and think about it, or due to the fact that it has been more difficult than my pregnancy with Grace. I'm usually not one to complain, especially about having one of God's miracles growing inside of me. During pregnancy with Grace, I remember saying that I could have 10 children if this is how 9 months of pregnancy is. With #2, I have not been that positive. I was much more sick and for a longer period of time with this one. I found myself to be tired the entire way through, most likely because Grace keeps me on my toes at all times, and the fact that I can't sleep (it's almost 5 am and I've been up since 3:15)! The kicker for me has been the last two weeks. I have been in miserable pain with sciatica. There are varying degrees of this pain, none which I have ever experienced before. It has just about made me immobile most days, where all I can do is lay on the couch. This is not as easy thing to do considering I have a 15 month old that needs my love and attention. How can I do that when I can't even stand up :/ ? I have tried just about everything, physical therapy, homeopathic chiropractor, and acupuncture, heat, ice, stretching, you name it, I've done it. Nothing seems to be working. I guess I should consider myself lucky since there are some mother's that have this pain starting at 10 weeks. Ugh!! No way?! The sharp pain starts at my butt and works it's "knife stabbing" pain right down my leg to my toes.

I've been told that most likely the pain will go away once I deliver this baby if not before. I pray that this is the case. I could not have gotten through the last 2 weeks with my loving, devoted husband. He has been amazing. My mom, pops (J's dad), and Carrie (J's sister) have helped me out as well. I feel horrible for Grace. She knows that there is something going on, and is not sure how to handle it.

At my most recent doctors appointment, on Friday, the doc did an internal exam. I am 1.5 cm dilated and my cervix is 50% effaced. I'm moving along and thinking that this baby might come a little early like Grace. Here's hoping...