Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Another visit to the doctor

This is our third visit to the doctors in the last three weeks. The girls have never been this sick for this long. First, they both had the flu for almost a week. Then they both started coughing with runny noses a few days ago. This morning they both woke up with pink eye! When it rains it pours. On top of having to go to the doctor, each visit has been at least 1 1/2 hours...bogus!

I took them into the doctors this morning to get drops for the pink eye and at the same time I was told to put them on breathing treatments until their wheezing has stopped. Oh, boy! Both girls have been so sweet despite being so sick.

So, when a child is coughing at our doctors office they ask that your child wear a mask...yeah right! I took the mask from the front desk and since it was only us in there, at the time, I didn't put it on Grace or Leah. After a few minutes Grace asked if she could wear it. She immediately started coughing (fake coughs) into the mask. It was so funny. In the picture you can see her gunky eye and that she is giving me a huge grin.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My little girl turns 2

Honestly, where did the time go? My sweet little Grace turned two today. She is such a ray of sunshine and blessing to our family. Two years ago today, my named changed forever, and it has been the greatest two years. Grace has a personality that is bigger than life and has a way about her that I have never seen in any other kid. Granted...she is also the typical two year old at times. She loves talking, singing, dancing, playing with cousins, friends, and anyone else that will pay attention to her. She is gentle and sweet, and at the same time, energetic and silly. She gives the best hugs and kisses and it makes me smile when I see her give them to Leah. She is pure joy, a wonderful big sister and is a daddy's girl through and through. Happy Birthday Grace Rose! I love you sweet girl. Here is somewhat of a progression of the day.
First thing this morning when she woke up.
Opening presents from Grandma

Birthday trip to the Santa Ana Zoo.

Just finished dinner, waiting for Cold Stone Ice Cream
I love this grin
Her very first ice cream cone

So happy
Still working on it!
Leah: wow, that looks good! Grace: No, mine! Leah: Not sure that would sit well in my tummy anyhow, seeing that I just got done puking my entire dinner up less than an hour ago! (both girls have had the flu over the last week and Leah is still fighting through it)
I think she is done with her cone at this point.
I love how excited she is to open her presents.
New plasma car...not quite ready to ride. Dads project after girls are asleep.
The Birthday Girl with Mommy and Daddy
The family right before bed. Notice how Grace has her arm around Leah, she does that all day. Her new favorite thing is getting as close to Leah's face as possible and talking to her. It's adorable.

Grace got an early birthday present on Sunday to share with Leah. Two gold fish which she named, Dorothy and Flounder.