Friday, March 27, 2009

Taking advantage of our time together

It has been a blessing for me to be able to stay home and just be a mom the last two months. The first month the three of us spent it together. We were fortunate to have Jason home as we bonded as a family. Not many jobs allow dads to say home/work from home for that period of time. Thank you Sage Hill! I know Jason got a little stir crazy towards the end of his four weeks off, but I don't think I could have done it without him (I'm sure I could have, but wouldn't have wanted to). He took care of us and did all of the things that I couldn't do, because I had a baby attached to my boob all the time.
At almost 8 weeks old I can't believe how much Grace has changed and how our lives have adjusted. I feel comfortable going out of the house for hours at a time, and not worry if she gets hungry while we're out. We have now managed to get feedings done in 20 minutes vs. over an hour.
The aspect that I love most about staying home is, not only do I get to be there for our daughter, but we get to spend time with people like never before. Relationships are so important. Our lives were so busy and that has definitely changed. We're learning to slow down.

- I have never felt as close to my sister-in-law Carrie than now. I call her constantly with questions, since she knows so much having three kids of her own and being a nurse for 6 years. I've had so much fun with her, and I love that our kids will grow up together. I love you Care!
- Going to visit my mom at work so she can show Grace off to her friends.
- Spending time at my in-laws house A. they live 10 minutes away, B. Grace needed to get to know her Nanny and Poppy before they left for Africa for 16 weeks (see their blog to the right), C. I needed a helping hand every once in a while, D. We needed a place to stay while our house was being painted.
- Spending afternoons with my friends Nicole, Brooke, and Shannon.

I'm taking advantage of the time we have together. I know it will be difficult for me to go back to work, but I will have the flexability in my schedule to continue building relationships and spending time with the people I love. I thank God for my family and friends.

1 comment:

Carrie P said...

I have loved this time, too, Ang. I look forward to hanging out more with our kiddos :)love you!!