Mid-January we moved. We are living in Jason's parents house while they are in Soroti, Northern Uganda doing the Lord's work. They are amazing people and am blown away by how selfless they are on a daily basis. You can read more about what they are doing by visiting their blog, http://rickandsherryinafrica.org/
In the May we will be moving to Seal Beach. We are super excited about living in such a cool town. We will be walking distance to Jason's sister,Carrie, and 10 minutes driving from his parents house. So nice to have family close by. Since moving to HB we have had a chance to spend more time with Carrie, JP and their kids. I love how close the cousins are.
As in previous posts, Grace turned two and I have more pictures from her birthday party soon.
The girls have had a few colds this season, but nothing as bad as that nasty flu they both had in January.
Jason ran his 7th half marathon on Super Bowl Sunday and ran his best time ever. So proud of him. Speaking of Jason, work has kept him really busy, but it has been such a rewarding year for him. The girls and I are looking forward to having him all to ourselves this summer. He will conclude his busy school year with a 10 day trip to Costa Rica in May. Such a bummer, right?
We have enjoyed a several trips to Disneyland with family and friends. We have spent lots of time at the park, and a spattering of play-dates here and there.
The girls are so much fun to be around. I am so thankful to be home with them. Leah is almost starting to crawl. She is such a happy little girl. I have a hard time believing that this child is the same child from 6 months ago. She is still Mommy's girl and at times has a hard time going to other people. It just takes her a bit for her to warm up to them.
Grace is...well, Grace is two. She is testing boundaries, pushing buttons, throwing an occasional tantrum, saying the word "NO" when ever she can, and just doing all the stuff she's supposed to at this age. I love watching her language develop and seeing her little mind work. She makes friends everywhere she goes and, just the opposite of Leah, is Daddy's girl.
The two of them together are so sweet, and other than Grace sneaking in a little pinch or hair pull every now and again, they are best buddies. I love my girls.
This past weekend we ran the Seal Beach 10k. It was my first race since before Grace was born. I felt great and look forward to training for my next 1/2 marathon. Jason and I are hoping to run the San Francisco race. He will be training for the full.
Next week the four of us are going to Boston to see Jason's parents. They are flying back to the states for a week for the Boston Marathon. Sherry qualified last year and it is a bucket list item that can't be passed up. We are looking forward to seeing Nannie and Poppy, and cheering Sherry on during the race. I'll post pictures after our trip.
I have spent some time at the sewing machine and love when I have the opportunity to create things. You'll see a picture below of a dress I made for Grace. The following pictures are in no particular order.
Grace reading with her interactive books