I have been horrible at updating my blog and I apologize. I promised pictures and they never came. I currently have both girls napping and have a few minutes on my hands. Leah was 4 weeks old when I posted last. She is now almost 12 weeks and the 8 weeks in between have been a total blur. They have also been extremely difficult. At about week 6 she turned into someone completely different (I love you with all my heart Leah). She cries for no apparent reason. It is nearly impossible to get her to calm down. It is probably colic. You don't realize how hard it is to have a colicy baby until you're walking around the house like a crazy person, up and down the street at 1:00 in the morning trying to get them to STOP crying. Totally different than Grace ever was! I'm not comparing though. I do have to say that when it comes to sleeping we have been lucky. Last night she slept for over 7 hours. That is the second time that has happened and it is a true blessing. We have both girls sleeping in the same room. We were a little worried about it at first. We didn't want Leah to disturb Grace, but Grace sleeps right through the crying.
Grace has been a great big sister, despite the one finger bite (poor Leah). The jealousy has started and so has the terrible two's. She's not even two yet. Oh boy! Grace is really into screaming at the top of her lungs when she is frustrated and whining a lot more. I would be frustrated to if this new baby showed up, started taking all the time away from me and cried ALL THE TIME! Let it all out Grace... Besides the acting out Grace is just so sweet. She is talking up a storm. She loves to stand out on our front patio and say "HIEEEE" to everyone that passes by our house. She is the friendliest little girl. She cracks me up. She is also into Skype. We skype with someone at least once a day. That is the greatest invention ever!
About two weeks ago Jason and I made the decision to have me stay home with our girls and not go back to work. It is the greatest decision we ever made. Our girls need me, and although it would be two nights a week, it is the night time that is the most difficult and I couldn't do that to a babysitter or Jason. Life is good! Play dates anyone ;)