This picture was taken on Christmas morning and there is a story behind it. Jason and I did not send out a Christmas card this year, so we were going to send a New Year's card instead. We took so many pictures on Christmas morning, trying to get the right one. He was so over it, and the picture above is me trying to explain how important it is that we get a good picture...it was funny. Who knows, this might be the picture I end up sending to everyone!
We had such an amazing Christmas this year. It was filled with lots of time with both of our families and us realizing that next year is going to be so different with a child. Next year we will be starting our own family traditions, teaching Grace about the meaning of Christmas (she won't quite understand next year, but none the less, we'll explain), and enjoy being her parents.
Below are a few pictures of our day.

Jack and Jason with their new motorcycles

My brother with his two sisters 

My mom (always making Christmas morning special) and Krista

Carrie, mom, me and Bethany with our Turtle Fur's on.
Momma G. always has the best stuff in our stockings. This year there was so much great stuff that she had to put all of our stocking stuffers into a grocery bag instead of a stocking.

Uncle J and Gavin
EZ (Gavin took this picture)
Carrie and Violet (so cute)
If you know me, you know that I love shoes. It doesn't matter what kind. Below you will see my cute slippers from Jason, new Tom's from Dan & Betty, and my adorable kicks from Momma G.
We're off to Mammoth for New Year's. I'll post more when we return! Happy New Year.