Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day

When I asked Jason what we should do for Mother's Day (thinking we could invite my mom over for lunch or something), he said, "Isn't that for me to plan?". I was thinking, since when have you planned Mother's Day...not thinking correctly. Well, since I became a mom!! Totally forgot that I was going to celebrate my first Mother's Day this year.
The day was awesome. J took a feeding for me that night and he and Grace let me sleep in until 9 am. That felt so good. I was greeted by the two of them with breakfast in bed. J had cooked breakfast with G in the bjorn...it was really cute. Scrambled eggs, toast, juice and coffee. Just what the dr. ordered. I got lots of little gifts (running outfit, a new book, my favorite candy, Kenny Chesney's new CD, gum), and a big one...my new Blackberry! I love my husband. He is so extremely thoughtful and creative when it comes to buying me gifts.
Later in the afternoon we went over to my moms house for dinner. We had a great time with everyone.

1 comment:

Bronwen said...

so sweet that Jason!! what is your favorite candy?